Source: Everyday Economy via Naver
[+82, -1] All meaningless in the end. You have to stay alive to be able to eat delicious things, look at cool things... it's all nothing if you die.
[+71, -29] Black Pink is world class indeed
[+15, -1] There was a big accident in our country where people climbed on top of a ventilation shaft to get a better view... At events with a large gathering of people like this, it's difficult to keep control of the scene so it's imperative that people stay alert and report anything like this that they see.
[+7, -0] And if they get hurt, the blame goes to the police, the firefighters...
[+1, -0] Wow, why would you ever do this for a celebrity, that's so crazy
[+-] Aigoo, so pointless. And it looks too far away to even get a decent view, why is this necessary;;;
[+-] Can you even see anything from up there?
[+-] What's the mindset behind this? Like you know you might die but as long as you get to see Black Pink?
[+-] Where were the police?
[+-] Why would you risk dying when there are so many delicious things in the world
[+-] So pointless, they'd look like ants from that far;;
[+-] I feel bad for them, tsk tsk
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